Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hamlet and Beowulf

            In any different time period, the language differentiation from one story to the next will be prominent.  Hamlet and Beowulf are no exception to this.  Their thoughts and out looks on like are like night and day, a big part of this difference is a reflection of the influences the authors had and the culture they came from.  Linguistically and culturally the play and old epic story are very different.  These widely known stories were written in very different times and they reflect upon the era they were created in.
            In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, there are several long soliloquies where Prince Hamlet speaks to himself and looks closely at his life and his feelings towards different situations.  He ponders decisions he has already made, “For in that sleep or death what dreams may come” this shows his fear of what is after death even though he has already chosen not to commit suicide.  Shakespeare’s characters, such as Hamlet, are very in depth and think things through rather then act impulsively.  He may not be considered a hero for his show of braveness or saving his people, but he was a thinker.  He knew what he wanted and has the patience to wait it out for the perfect opportunity; in the play this would be killing his uncle Claudius.
            Beowulf is considered an epic hero.  In the time that Beowulf was originated to be a hero was the gallant man who saved everyone from the monster.  To avenge your family and friends was a thing to praise and things or people who were different were exiled.  The culture Beowulf is from can be considered a very old fashion one, and Beowulf would be the knight in shining armor.  “I have heard moreover that the monster scorns in his reckless way to use weapons; therefore, to heighten Hygelac’s frame and gladden his heart, I hearby renounce sword and the shelter of the broad.”  This is quoted by Beowulf and is an illustration of how nobleness was everything in his time.  To make his fight fair against a monster he chose not to use weapons, even though the monster was much larger and stronger then him.
            While Hamlet thinks his actions through and can take months to act on his desires, Beowulf is impulsive and brave.  Beowulf is skillful at fighting, but you have to interpret his true thoughts and feelings through his actions.  The problem with this is why Beowulf acts brave, is it sincere or are his actions simply what society expects them to be.  Prince Hamlet is wildly different, when society thinks he is crazy he mocks them and
makes the point that, “I am glad of it. A knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear.” This comes from a conversation he is having with Rosencrantz and could translate to, I’m glad you don’t understand me because if I spoke so you could understand I would be considered as dumb as you. This reply to Rosencrantz, comes off as Hamlet being mad.
            The epic hero of Beowulf and the thinker of Hamlet are to extremely different people.  This has to do with the language the author uses in the stories.  If Shakespeare had written Beowulf he might have shown his self reflection but in the time period the story is from, this would completely change Beowulf as a hero.  The era an author lives in drastically effects the way an author writes, their syntax, diction, and their rounded characters.  For Hamlet and Beowulf, the fact that they came from two very different times is well known to anyone that has read both stories.

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