Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Open Essay Questions

Prompt 1: 1972 In retrospect the reader often discovers that the first chapter of a novel
or the opening scene of a drama introduces some of the major themes of the
work. Write an essay about the opening scene of a drama or the first
chapter of a novel in which you explain how it functions in this way. In
your essay do not merely summarize the plot of the work you are

In Animal Farm by George Orwell the main themes are how corrupt the society is, and how the person, or animal, in charge abuses their power and treats others unfairly. This is presented very quickly into the novel through Old Major’s speech. He paints a picture for the animals of a world not controlled by Mr. Jones or any other human. Old Major says animals live a life that is, “miserable, laborious, and short.” And if the animals could over through Mr. Jones and treat each other with dignity and respect they could lead healthy long lives.

Prompt 2:
1984 Select a line or so of poetry, or a moment or scene in a novel, epic poem,
orplay that you find especially memorable. Write an essay in which you identify
the line or the passage, explain its relationship to the work in which it is
found, and analyze the reasons for its effectiveness. Do not base your essay on
a work that you know about only from having seen a television or movie
production of it. Select a work of recognized literary merit.

Animal Farm often points out how corrupt society can be. Specifically it is referring to Russian Revolution (1917- 1945) and how it was ruled by a Czar . “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” Is a quote that could have easily described the Communists who rebelled against the Czar during this time period as well as the chaotic ruling in the novel.

Prompt 3: 1997 Novels and plays often include scenes of weddings, funerals, parties, and
othersocial occasions. Such scenes may reveal the values of the characters and
thesociety in which they live. Select a novel or play that includes such a scene
and, in a focused essay, discuss the contribution the scene makes to the
meaning of the work as a whole.

In Animal Farm, there is often meetings for the animals. The first to occur is the opening of the story where Old Major lays out his dream of animals being in charge and treated fairly, not just used for the benefits of humans. This lays out the foundation for the rest of the story. The next most significant meeting is the vote for the windmill plan. Snowball and Napoleon are set against each other on weather to go forward and build the windmill, that will provide electricity, or not. Snowball gives a passionate speech on why they need it, and Napoleon retaliates with a brief couple of words and then has his dogs chase Snowball away. This sets the rankings for their government. Napoleon sends a message of not to cross him and puts himself above everyone else in their “equal” ruling.

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