Sunday, April 15, 2012

Macbeth notes

Macbeth- He is an honorable Scottish general who defends his king and country in battle. After he hears the three weird sisters’ prophesy that he will one day rule over Scotland, he begins to commit murders to ensure his place as future king.
Lady Macbeth-
However, their shared alienation from the world, occasioned by their partnership in crime, does not bring them closer together, but instead seems to numb their feelings for one another.
Macbeth’s wife, she is very power hungry and encourages her husband to kill, and tells him he is not man enough to. She uses her sexuality to persuade Macbeth to kill. Later in the story she feels guilty for her actions and commits suicide.
The Three Witches- Plot against Macbeth by using spells and prophecies. Whether or not the witches prophesies come from is never revealed
Hecate- Goddess of witchcraft helps the witches mess with Macbeth.
Banquo- He is a general whose children, according to the witches' prophecy, will inherit the Scottish throne. Banquo is ambitious but does not act upon his ambition like Macbeth does by killing people and betraying others. It is his ghost that haunts Macbeth. Has a son named Fleance who Macbeth attempted to murder.
King Duncan- He is a good role model king. His death is a symbol of chaos until his line, Malcolm, occupies the throne.
Malcolm- Son of Duncan first appears weak and questions his power but with help from Macduff he becomes a stable man and a huge threat to Macbeth. Him being king symbolizes an end to the chaos the death of his father caused for Scotland.
Donalbain- Duncan’s youngest son.
Macduff- He is a nobleman who dislikes Macbeth right away. He becomes a leader of a group called the crusade that fights to put the rightful king; they believe this person to be Malcolm, on the throne. He is also after Macbeth because he killed his wife and son.
Lady Macduff- She is Macduff’s wife who is killed by the murderers along with her young son.
The Murderers- A groups of people who Macbeth has kill Macduff’s wife and child, Banquo, and Fleance, Banquo’s son. They succeed in all cases but Fleance’s.

Plot summary:
Macbeth and Banquo are on there way home from battle when they run into three witches. The witches, referred to as the weird sisters tell them a prophesy.  They tell Macbeth that he will rule Scotland and that Banquo will be father to a line of kings himself. Macbeth decides that if it is fate he will be king and scorns himself for even thinking of murder as a way to get to the throne faster. Later on King Duncan announces that his son Malcolm will be his heir to the throne.  Macbeth once again ponders the possibility of murder and wrights to his wife.  Lady Macbeth jumps at this and immediately begins to scheme.
King Duncan is visiting the Macbeth’s when Macbeth second guesses himself she turns on him telling him he is not man enough to kill. Macbeth goes and kills King Duncan in his sleep after drugging the guards the couple blame the guards for the kings death. When Donalbain and Malcolm hear about their fathers death they flee Scotland in fear that they will be next to be murdered.  Macbeth is then named king and begins to worry about Banquo’s prophecy that his son will be king.  Macbeth then hires The Murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Fleance escapes but they kill Banquo. During a dinner party Banquo’s ghost comes and haunts Macbeth.
Macbeth goes to the weird sisters and they give him three more prophesies. The first, he should be careful around Macduff and keep a close eye on him. Two, “None of woman born shall harm Macbeth” Macbeth takes this literally. Since everyone is born from a woman, nobody shall harm Macbeth. And lastly, there is nothing to worry about until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane. Everyone is suspecting Macbeth had something to do with the murders of Duncan and Banquo. 
Macduff and Malcolm are in England with King Edward when they find out that Macbeth has had Macduff’s wife and kids murdered. The two begin to plot how to over throw Macbeth with the help of England. Lady Macbeth is beginning to go crazy; having visions of blood on her hands and is sleepwalking. She eventually dies. When Macbeth hears word of his wife’s suicide however he is self absorbed and criticizes her departure for being at an inconvenient time for he was preparing for battle. Macduff and Macbeth are on their way with a huge army when Malcolm orders they cut branches from the Birnam Wood forest for camouflage. Macduff corners Macbeth in the castle and tells him he was cut from his mothers womb, so was not really born to a mother. These three events fulfill all three of the prophesies the witches gave Macbeth. Macduff then kills Macbeth and presents his head to Malcolm who is to become king.

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